**IMPORTANT** For any Notice/Information regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the candidates should visit official websites of RRBs only. Any Information/Notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored. Beware of touts & job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.



Application under RTI Act, 2005 shall be addressed to "PIO of Railway Recruitment Board, Chandigarh" and shall be accompanied with fee of Rs.10/- (Rs. Ten) by way of Indian Postal Order (IPO) payable to "Railway Recruitment Board, Chandigarh"


Name Designation Contact No.
Sh. Gagan Deep APIO & Office Superintendent 0172-2730093
Sh. Harjit Kumar CPIO & Assistant Secretary 0172-2730093
Sh. Himanshu Appellate Authority & Member Secretary 0172-2730040

Time-Limit for disposal of old records

S.No. Record Type Time-Limit
1 Mark Sheets 7 years
2 Recommendation, Statistical, Apptt. requisition register etc. 10 years
3 Registration sheets of applications recevied in response to Employment Notices 3 years
4 Applications received after expiry of closing date 3 months from the date of first stage written examination. One month notice to concerned Vigilance is required
5 Irregular applications viz., no mention made of posts etc. 3 months from the date of first stage written examination. One month notice to concerned Vigilance is required
6 Applications rejected after preliminary scrutiny 3 months from the date of first stage written/practical test etc. One month notice to concerned Vigilance is required
7 Applications of absentees at written/practical tests, interview etc. Applications of candidates other than shortlisted after conduct of written examination 3 months from the date of declaration of main panel where two stage written examination is done. Vigilance clearance is necessary
8 Applications of unsuccessful candidates alongwith Question Booklets and OMR Sheets after conduct of first written examination 3 months from the date of declaration of result of first written examination after obtaining Vigilance clearance
9 Question and OMR Answer Sheets, Attendance Sheets other than those of shortlisted candidates 3 months from the date of publication of the panels after getting Vigilance clearance
10 Candidates correspondence 3 months
11 Unused Question/Answer Books At Chairman's discretion
12 Records of seating plan and distribution of packets of Question-cum-Answer Booklets etc. to invigilators before the commencement of written examination and also record of collecting back the examination material from the candidates Till declaration of result
13 OMR Answer Sheets, Question Booklets, Attendance Sheets, verification record of shortlisted candidates and coding of candidates appeared for Aptitude Test, OMR of Stenography Speed Test 6 months from the date of main panel after getting Vigilance clearance


Items No.4, 5 & 6: These may be disposed of within a period of 3 months from the date of written examination after giving due notice to the Vigilance. The RRBs may give one month's notice to the concerned Vigilance Organisation, specifying therein that if they do not hear anything to the contrary, these applications will be weeded out and disposed of according to the procedure already laid down.

Items No.7 & 8: These applications will be disposed of after 3 months from the date of publication of the final panel after giving one month's notice to the concerned Vigilance Organization. It should, however, be ensured that these applications are weeded out and disposed of only in case there are no complaints received or newspaper publicity of unfair means against the concerned written examination/interview and clearance from the Vigilance Organisation is taken to this effect before weeding out these applications.

(Authority Railway Board's Letter Nos. E(NG)II/85/RSC/57 dated 28.5.1985, 98/E(RRB)/30/2 dated 14.10.1998, 01.09.1999 & 01.11.2000, E(RRB)/2001/12/1 dated 15.03.2002).


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