**IMPORTANT** For any Notice/Information regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the candidates should visit official websites of RRBs only. Any Information/Notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored. Beware of touts & job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.
Date All notices of CEN 01/2019 - (NTPC Undergraduate & Graduate Posts)
21-02-2025 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Replacement Panel-2
Replacement Panel-2 for Category No.4 (Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist)
21-01-2025 को आयोजित दस्तावेज-सत्यापन में श्रेणी संख्या-4 (जूनियर अकाउंट्स असिस्टेंट कम टाइपिस्ट) का प्रतिस्थापन पैनल-2
10-01-2025 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : DV-Schedule / दस्तावेज़-सत्यापन
Document Verification schedule for Level-5 & 6 posts of NTPC-2019 to be held on 21-01-2025
1. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
2. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
3. Link for viewing score-card
04-12-2024 Replacement Panel-1 : Category No.4
Replacement Panel-1 for Category No.4 (Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist)
28-10-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : DV-Weblinks
1. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
2. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
3. Link for viewing score-card
24-10-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : DV-Schedule / दस्तावेज़-सत्यापन
Document Verification schedule for Level-5 & 6 posts of NTPC-2019 to be held on 04-11-2024
05-09-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Result / Panel
Replacement panel for category no. 3,4,5,6 & 11
23-02-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Result / Panel
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 3 & 9
22-02-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Replacement Panel
Replacement Panel for cat no. 5
15-02-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : LEVEL-5 DV16 SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV16 to be held on 20-02-2024
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
15-02-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Cut-Off Marks
Updated Cut-Off marks as per latest part-panels of NTPC categories
14-02-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 2 & 9
06-02-2024 LEVEL-6 DV9 SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-6 DV9 to be held on 12-02-2024
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
02-02-2024 Cut-Off Marks
Cut-Off marks (corrigendum) of NTPC categories
30-01-2024 LEVEL-5 & 3 DV SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV15 & Level-3 DV14 to be held on 06-02-2024
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
25-01-2024 Cut-Off Marks
Cut-Off marks of NTPC categories
18-01-2024 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : LEVEL-5 & 3 DV RE-SCHEDULE
Notice regarding re-scheduling of DV on 23-01-2024 that was scheduled on 22-01-2024
12-01-2024 LEVEL-5 & 3 DV SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV14 & Level-3 DV13 to be held on 22-01-2024
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
12-01-2024 DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 3,9,11 & 13
21-12-2023 LEVEL-5,3,2 DV SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV13, Level-3 DV12 & Level-2 DV11 to be held on 02-01-2024
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
21-12-2023 DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 3,9,10 & 11
07-12-2023 Notice for unfit candidates
Notice regarding appeal procedure for candidates who are found unfit in Medical-Examination
01-12-2023 DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 5,9,11 & 13
01-12-2023 LEVEL-5,3,2 DV SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV12, Level-3 DV11 & Level-2 DV10 to be held on 12-12-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
15-11-2023 LEVEL-5,3,2 DV SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-5 DV11, Level-3 DV10 & Level-2 DV9 to be held on 28-11-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
15-11-2023 DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11 & 13
01-11-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates for cat no. 3,4,9,11 & 13
26-10-2023 LEVEL-6,5,3,2 : DV SCHEDULE (06-11-2023)
1. Document Verification schedule for Level-6 DV8, Level-5 DV10, Level-3 DV9 & Level-2 DV8 to be held on 06-11-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
27-09-2023 LEVEL-6,5,3,2 : DV SCHEDULE (10-10-2023)
Document Verification schedule for Level-6 DV7, Level-5 DV9, Level-3 DV8 & Level-2 DV7 to be held on 10-10-2023
26-09-2023 Level-5,3,2 DV : RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from L5-DV8, L3-DV7 & L2-DV6 held on 12-09-2023
13-09-2023 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) : Notice for unfit candidates
Notice regarding appeal procedure for candidates who are found unfit in Medical-Examination
28-08-2023 Notice for unfit candidates
Notice regarding appeal procedure for candidates who are found unfit in Medical-Examination
22-08-2023 Level-5,3,2 DV : Schedule (12-09-2023) & weblinks
1. Document Verification schedule for : L5-DV8, L3-DV7 & L2-DV6 to be held on 12-09-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
03-08-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from DV held on 24-07-2023
14-07-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : Schedule (24-07-2023) & weblinks
1. Document Verification schedule for all levels : L6-DV7, L5-DV7, L3-DV6 & L2-DV5 to be held on 24-07-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
14-07-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from L6-DV6 , L5-DV6, L3-DV5 & L2-DV4 to be held on 26-06-2023
19-06-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from L6-DV5 , L5-DV5, L3-DV4 & L2-DV3 held in June-2023
16-06-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : Schedule (26-06-2023) & weblinks
1. Document Verification schedule for all Levels : L6-DV6 , L5-DV6, L3-DV5 & L2-DV4 to be held on 26-06-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
24-05-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : Schedule (05-06-2023 to 06-06-2023) & weblinks
1. Document Verification schedule for all levels : L6-DV5 , L5-DV5, L3-DV4 & L2-DV3 to be held in June-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
23-05-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : REVISED-RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from L6-DV4 , L5-DV4 , L3-DV3 & L2-DV2 held in May-2023
22-05-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : RESULT / PANEL
List of provisionally empaneled candidates from L6-DV4 , L5-DV4 , L3-DV3 & L2-DV2 held in May-2023
22-05-2023 Notice for unfit candidates
Notice regarding appeal procedure for candidates who are found unfit in Medical-Examination
28-04-2023 Level-6,5,3,2 DV : Schedule (09-05-2023 to 12-05-2023) & weblinks
1. Document Verification schedule for all levels : L6-DV4 , L5-DV4 , L3-DV3 & L2-DV2 to be held in May-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
25-04-2023 Level-2 DV1 : RESULT / PANEL1
Provisional Panel for NTPC pay level-2 posts category no. 10,11 & 13
18-04-2023 Level-3 DV2 : RESULT / PANEL2
Part Panel-1 for NTPC pay level-3 posts category no. 9
18-04-2023 Level-5 DV3 : RESULT / PANEL3
Part Panel-2 for NTPC pay level-5 posts category nos. 3,4,5 & 6
22-03-2023 Level-5 DV2 : RESULT / PANEL2
Part Panel-1 for NTPC pay level-5 posts category nos. 3,4,5 & 6
17-03-2023 Level-2 DV1 : Schedule (10-04-2023 to 14-04-2023) & weblinks
1. Document-Verification schedule (1st list) of candidates shortlisted for Pay Level-2 posts
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
15-03-2023 Level-5 DV3 : Corrigendum & Amendments
Corrigendum & Amendments of the notice dated 14-03-2023 regarding Document-Verification schedule of additional candidates (3rd list) shortlisted for Pay Level-5 posts
14-03-2023 Level-5 DV3 : Schedule (23-03-2023) & weblinks
1. Document-Verification schedule of additional candidates (3rd list) shortlisted for Pay Level-5 posts
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
14-03-2023 Level-3 DV2 : Schedule (24-03-2023 to 27-03-2023) & weblinks
1. Document-Verification schedule of additional candidates (2nd list) shortlisted for Pay Level-3 posts
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
14-03-2023 Notice for unfit candidates
Notice regarding appeal procedure for candidates who are found unfit in Medical-Examination
01-03-2023 Level-2 : Shortlisting for DV / ME
1. List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for Document-Verification of Pay Level-2 NTPC posts
2. Cut-Off marks for shortlisting
01-03-2023 Level-6 DV3 : RESULT / PANEL3
List of additional candidates empanelled for Pay Level-6 NTPC Cat.1 & Cat.2 posts
22-02-2023 Level-3 DV1 : RESULT / PANEL1
Provisional Panel of candidates empanelled for appointment against NTPC Pay Level-3 (Cat-9) Commercial-cum-Ticket Clerk posts
01-02-2023 Level-3 DV1 : Weblinks
1. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
2. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
23-01-2023 Level-3 DV1 : Schedule (06-02-2023 to 10-02-2023)
Document Verification Schedule (06-02-2023 to 10-02-2023) of candidates provisionally shortlisted for Pay Level-3 posts
21-01-2023 Level-3 : Shortlisting for DV / ME
1. List of candidates provisionally shortlisted for Pay Level-3 posts
2. Cut-Off marks for shortlisting
19-01-2023 Level-5 DV2 : Schedule (30-01-2023 to 31-01-2023) & weblinks
1. Document-Verification schedule of additional candidates (2nd list) shortlisted for pay level-5 posts
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
09-01-2023 Level-5 DV1 : RESULT / PANEL1
Provisional Part Panel for pay level-5 posts of NTPC Category Nos. 3,4,5 & 6
29-12-2022 Level-6 DV3 : Schedule (17-01-2023) & weblinks
1. Notice regarding 3rd list of additional candidates shortlisted for DV to be held on 17-01-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification (3rd round)
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification (3rd round)
29-12-2022 Level-6 DV2 : RESULT / PANEL2
List of additional candidates empanelled for pay level-6 posts
20-12-2022 Level-5 DV1 : Block-date reschedule
Notice for the candidates who fail to report on scheduled regular dates of document verification for NTPC Level-5 posts
29-11-2022 Level-5 DV1 : Weblinks
1. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
2. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
21-11-2022 Level-5 DV1 : Schedule (05-12-2023 to 23-12-2023)
Document-Verification & Medical-Examination schedule for Pay Level-5 posts
18-11-2022 Level-5 : Shortlisting for DV / ME
1. List of candidates shortlisted for Pay Level-5 posts
2. Cut-Off marks for shortlisting
18-11-2022 Level-6 DV2 : Weblinks
1. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification (2nd List)
2. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification (2nd List)
17-11-2022 Tentative Schedule
Notice regarding Tentative-Schedule of empanelment for CEN-01/2019 NTPC posts
16-11-2022 Level-6 DV2 : Schedule (28-11-2022)
Notice regarding 2nd list of additional candidates shortlisted for DV to be held on 28-11-2022
11-11-2022 Level-6 DV1 : RESULT / PANEL1
Provisional Part Panels for the posts of Commercial-Apprentice (Cat.1) and Station-Master (Cat.2)
09-11-2022 Level-6 DV1 : Re-Medical (On appeal) for medical unfit candidates
1. Notice for candidates of Station Master (Cat.2) post who are unfit in required medical standard.
2. Notice for candidates of Commercial Apprentice (Cat.1) post who are unfit in required medical standard.
03-11-2022 CBTST : RESULT
Click here to view the RESULT for Computer Based Typing Skill Test
12-10-2022 Level-6 DV1 : Weblink for portal
Link to upload photo, signature & identification-marks of shortlisted candidates for Document-Verification / Medical-Examination of Pay-Level-6 NTPC posts
07-10-2022 Level-6 DV1 : Weblink for Call-letter
Link to download E-Call-Letter for Document-Verification / Medical-Examination to be held from 17-10-2022 to 21-10-2022
29-09-2022 OUTREACH CAMP
Notice for CEN-01/2019-NTPC candidates regarding OUTREACH CAMP at RRB/Chandigarh Office on 06.10.2022 and 07.10.2022 from 11.00 hrs. to 14.00 hrs.
23-09-2022 Level-6 DV1 : Re-schedule (17-10-2022 to 21-10-2022)
Revised Schedule of Candidature and Documents-Verification / Medical-Examination of candidates shortlisted for Level-6 (Commercial Apprentice & Station Master) from 17-10-2022 to 21-10-2022
21-09-2022 Level-6 DV1 : Schedule
Schedule of Candidature and Documents-Verification / Medical-Examination of candidates shortlisted for Level-6 (Commercial Apprentice & Station Master) from 17-10-2022 to 20-10-2022
14-09-2022 Document-Verification / Medical-Examination
Notice on Document-Verification process
14-09-2022 CBAT : Score-Card Link
Weblink to view score-card for Computer-Based-Aptitude-Test conducted on 30-07-2022
07-09-2022 Level-6 : RESULT (Score-Card & Cut-Off marks)
1. Weblink to view exam score-card for the post of Assistant Station Master
2. List of candidates shortlisted for Document Verification (Pay Level-6)
3. Cut-off Marks for the candidates shortlisted for Document Verification (Pay Level-6)
22-08-2022 CBTST : ECall Letter Link
Weblink to download E-Call-Letter for candidates of Shift-1 that was cancelled on 12-08-2022
16-08-2022 CBTST : Re-Exam Notice
Notice regarding RE-EXAM of Typing-Skill-Test (Shift-1) that was cancelled on 12-08-2022
12-08-2022 CBTST : Cancellation Notice
Notice on cancellation of Shift-1 Typing Skill Test held on 12-08-2022
08-08-2022 CBTST & CBT-2 (paylevel 2,3,5) for candidates of RRB/Guwahati
Click here to download e-call letter
04-08-2022 CBTST
Weblink to view City-Slip for C.B.T.S.T.
30-07-2022 CBTST : Instructions
Special Instructions to the candidates
26-07-2022 CBAT : ECall-Letter Link
Click here to download e-call letter
25-07-2022 CBTST
1. Link for shortlisted PwBD Candidates regarding uploading of medical certificate for exemption in CBTST
2. Proforma of exemption certificate for PwBD candidates shortlisted for CBTST
20-07-2022 CBAT
1. Weblink to view City-Slip for CBAT
2. Weblink to practice Mock-Test
19-07-2022 CBTST - Computer Based Typing Skill Test
1. Weblink for choice of language regarding CBTST for shortlisted candidates
2. Notice for candidates shortlisted for Computer Based Typing Skill Test
18-07-2022 RESULT : Pay-Level 2 and 5 (Result, Cut-Off Marks and Score-Card of CBT-2)
1. Weblink to view Score-Card and check level wise results of CBT-2
2. List of candidates shortlisted for "Computer Based Typing Skill Test" for Pay Level-2 posts
3. Cut-Off marks for shortlisting of candidates for Pay Level-2 posts
4. List of candidates shortlisted for "Computer Based Typing Skill Test" for Pay Level-5 posts
5. Cut-Off marks for shortlisting of candidates for Pay Level-5 posts
16-07-2022 CBAT
Notice on Date for Computer Based Aptitude Test
11-07-2022 CBAT : Pay-Level 6 & 4
Proforma for medical certificate – only for Ex-Servicemen candidates shortlisted for CBAT against the posts of Station Master/Traffic Assistant
27-06-2022 CBAT : Pay-Level 6 & 4
Exam schedule for Computer Based Aptitude Test
21-06-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-Level 5,3,2
1. Notice regarding viewing of Question Paper, Responses, Keys and Raising of Objections if any

2. Objection Tracker : This link will be active from 22.06.2022 17:00 Hrs to 27.06.2022 23:55 Hrs
10-06-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-Level 5,3,2
Schedule of Exam Special Trains
08-06-2022 CBT-2 : Pay Level 5,3,2
Click here to download E-Call letter
08-06-2022 CBT-2 : Pay Level 6 (Station Master)
1. List of candidates shortlisted for computer based Aptitude Test
2. Cut-Off Marks
3. Click here to view score-card
31-05-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-level 5,3,2 posts
Weblink to view Exam-City and Exam-Date Intimation slip
27-05-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-level 5,3,2 posts
Examination Schedule for CBT-2.
18-05-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-level 5,3,2 posts
Notice on Aadhaar based biometric authentication for CBT-2.
13-05-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-level 5,3,2 posts
Exam Schedule for Computer Based Test - 2 for posts of pay level 5, 3 & 2
12-05-2022 CBT-2 : Pay-level 4 & 6 posts
1. Notice regarding viewing of Question Paper, Responses, Keys and Raising of Objections if any to Questions/Options/Keys

2. Objection Tracker : This link will be active from 13.05.2022 17:00 Hrs to 18.05.2022 23:55 Hrs
06-05-2022 CBT-2 Phase-1 : Exam Special Trains for CBT2 Phase1 scheduled on 9th & 10th May 2022
05-05-2022 CBT-2 Phase-1 : Click here to download e-call letter for Phase1 (9th & 10th May 2022) of NTPC CBT2 for posts of pay-level 4&6
26-04-2022 CBT-2 (Pay-Level 4&6): Click here to view Exam City Slip & Score Card
CBT-2 (Pay-Level 4&6): Click here for the Mock Test
CBT-2 (Pay-Level 4&6): Click here for the Helpdesk Link
19-04-2022 Updated link for viewing score card & check level wise eligibility for CBT-2
12-04-2022 CBT-2 : Exam Schedule of Computer-Based-Test-2 for NTPC Posts of pay-level 4 & 6
30-03-2022 CBT-1 Revised-Result : Link for viewing score card of CBT-1 and check level wise eligibility for CBT-2
30-03-2022 CBT-1 Revised-Result : List for posts of pay-level-2
CBT-1 Revised-Result : List for posts of pay-level-3
CBT-1 Revised-Result : List for posts of pay-level-5
CBT-1 Revised-Result : List for posts of pay-level-6
30-03-2022 CBT-1 Revised-Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-2
CBT-1 Revised-Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-3
CBT-1 Revised-Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-5
CBT-1 Revised-Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-6
25-03-2022 Revised Corrigendum & Amendments to the Centralized Employment Notice No. 01/2019 for recruitment of various NTPC Graduate and Undergraduate posts
25-03-2022 Corrigendum & Amendments to the Centralized Employment Notice No. 01/2019 for recruitment of various NTPC Graduate and Undergraduate posts
24-01-2022 CBT-2 : Exam schedule for Computer Based Test-2 of CEN-01/2019 (NTPC Posts)
20-01-2022 Notice on NTPC exam
15-01-2022 Railway clarification on NTPC CBT-1 results
15-01-2022 CBT-1 Result : Link for viewing score card
15-01-2022 CBT-1 Result : List for posts of pay-level-2
CBT-1 Result : List for posts of pay-level-3
CBT-1 Result : List for posts of pay-level-5
CBT-1 Result : List for posts of pay-level-6
15-01-2022 CBT-1 Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-2
CBT-1 Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-3
CBT-1 Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-5
CBT-1 Result : Cut-off marks for posts of pay-level-6
12-01-2022 Corrigendum on redistribution of vacancies of CEN-01/2019 (NTPC Posts)
05-12-2021 Notice on results of CBT-1 and schedule of CBT-2
31-08-2021 Extension of time for submission of Bank Data for refund of exam fee
13-08-2021 Link for viewing of Question Paper, Responses & Keys and Raising of Objections (if any). This link will be active from 16-08-2021 20:00 hrs. to 23-08-2021 11:55 hrs.
13-08-2021 Notice of objection tracker for CBT-1
13-08-2021 Notice for candidates regarding retrieval of their forgotten Roll Numbers for refund of exam fee
09-08-2021 Link for updating Bank Account details for fee refund of CBT-I. This link will be live from 11.08.2021 10.00 hrs. to 31.08.2021 23.59 hrs.
06-08-2021 Notice for refund of Exam-Fee
19-07-2021 CBT-1 Phase-7 : Link for downloading of e-call letters
13-07-2021 CBT-1 Phase-7 : Link for City intimation slip and downloading of Free-Travel-Authority for 7th phase
01-07-2021 CBT-1 Phase-7 : Notice on exam-schedule of 7th and last phase of CBT-1
31-05-2021 Notice to the candidates of : CEN 01/2019, CEN 03/2019 and CEN RRC-01/2019
22-03-2021 CBT-1 Phase-6 : Notice on 6th Phase of 1st Stage CBT
20-03-2021 Notice on conduct of CBT in cities Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur of Madhya Pradesh on 21.03.2021 - Lockdown day
13-03-2021 Notice on rescheduling of candidates scheduled in the state of Assam
13-03-2021 Notice on conduct of exam in Nagpur, Maharashtra from 15.03.2021 to 21.03.2021 - Lockdown Period
02-03-2021 Informative Notice to the candidates scheduled in Odisha in 5th Phase of 1st Stage CBT from 04.03.2021 to 27.03.2021
01-03-2021 Notice on rescheduling of affected candidates from Kerala in 4th Phase of 1st Stage CBT
23-02-2021 CBT-1 Phase-5 : Notice on 5th Phase of 1st Stage CBT
18-02-2021 Notice on Rescheduling of candidates in one exam centre at Jaipur
13-02-2021 CBT-1 Phase-4 : Additional date (23.02.2021) for Phase-4 of 1st Stage CBT
10-02-2021 CBT-1 Phase-4 : Additional date (22.02.2021) for Phase-4 of 1st Stage CBT
04-02-2021 CBT-1 Phase-4 : EXAM-SCHEDULE for 4th Phase of Computer-Based-Test-1
20-01-2021 CBT-1 Phase-3 : EXAM-SCHEDULE for 3rd Phase of Computer-Based-Test-1 (31-01-2021 to 12-02-2021)
15-01-2021 Cancellation of CBT-1 Exam and Rescheduling of Candidates at - Rajkot (TC-8039)
12-01-2021 Link for downloading e-call letter
12-01-2021 Exam Date and City Intimation Slip link - Candidate Login Form
12-01-2021 Forget Registration Form link.
02-01-2021 CBT-1 Phase-2 : EXAM-SCHEDULE for 2nd Phase of Computer-Based-Test-1
18-12-2020 CEN-01/2019 (NTPC) - Revised Normalization Formula
14-07-2020 Corrigendum No.7 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
23-05-2020 Corrigendum No.6 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
02-06-2020 Corrigendum No.5 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
15-05-2020 Corrigendum No.4 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
21-04-2020 Corrigendum No.3 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
07-04-2020 Corrigendum No.2 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
23-03-2020 Corrigendum No.1 - E-Tender No. RRBCHENNAI-CEN-01/2019-ECA
15-10-2019 CBT-1 Phase-1 : Notice on 1st stage of Computer Based Test
10-05-2019 Notice for revised vacancies
10-05-2019 Revised vacancy table: Annexure-B1
22-04-2019 Notice of Cancellation of Vacancies of DLW
14-03-2019 Corrigendum & Amendments to Detailed CEN-01/2019
28-02-2019 Click here for application link for recruitment of NTPC (Undergraduate & Graduate) Posts. The link will be live from 01.03.2019 (16:00 Hrs) onwards till 31.03.2019 (upto 23.59 Hrs).
28-02-2019 NTPC : Detailed Centralised Employment Notification for NTPC Undergraduate & Graduate Posts
27-02-2019 NTPC : CEN-01/2019 Online Registration will start from 01-03-2019


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