**IMPORTANT** For any Notice/Information regarding Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), the candidates should visit official websites of RRBs only. Any Information/Notices being circulated in the social media regarding RRBs may please be ignored. Beware of touts & job racketeers trying to deceive by false promises of securing job in Railways either through influence or by use of unfair means. Candidates attempting unfair means shall be disqualified and legal action shall be initiated against them.
Date Timeline of CEN-03/2019 (Ministerial & Isolated Category Posts)
18-12-2023 DV9 SCHEDULE
1. Document Verification (Round-9) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 21-12-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
18-12-2023 DV8 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-8
06-12-2023 DV8 - SCHEDULE for 12-12-2023
1. Document Verification (Round-8) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 12-12-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
05-12-2023 DV7 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-7
15-11-2023 DV7 - SCHEDULE for 28-11-2023
1. Document Verification (Round-7) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 28-11-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
15-11-2023 DV-5&6 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-5&6
30-10-2023 DV6 - SCHEDULE for 07-11-2023
1. Document Verification (Round-6) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 07-11-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter for Document-Verification
22-08-2023 DV5 - SCHEDULE for 12-09-2023
Document Verification (Round-5) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 12-09-2023
17-08-2023 DV4 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-4
18-07-2023 DV4 - SCHEDULE for 26-07-2023
1. Document Verification (Round-4) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 26-07-2023
2. Link for uploading photo, sign & identification-marks of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
3. Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
18-07-2023 DV-2&3 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-2&3
26-05-2023 DV3 - SCHEDULE
Document Verification (Round-3) schedule for ministerial & isolated category posts to be held on 07-06-2023
10-05-2023 DV2 - SCHEDULE
Document Verification (Round-2) schedule for additional candidates selected for ministrial & isolated category posts
22-06-2022 DV1 - RESULT (Panel)
List of provisionally selected candidates from DV-1
20-05-2022 DV1 - Weblinks
1. Weblink to download e-call letter for Document Verification (DV)
2. Weblink to upload DV documents for shortlisted candidates
28-04-2022 Score-Card, Cut-off & DV1 SCHEDULE
1. List of candidates shortlisted for document verification
2. Link to view the score-card
3. Link to view the Cut-Off scores
30-03-2022 CEN-03/2019 (Ministrial & isolated posts)
Corrigendum No.5 to the detailed Centralized Employment Notice No. 03/2019 for recruitment of various Ministrial & isolated posts
18-10-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Important information for candidates regarding Stenography Skill Test & Translation Test
16-10-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Link to download "e-Call Letter" and "City Intimation Slip" for Stenography / Translation test.
08-10-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Notice for Stenography Skill Test & Translation Test
14-09-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Link to view Score Card & Question Paper of Junior Stenographer (Hindi & English) and Junior Translator (Hindi)
14-09-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Cut-off marks for shortlisting of candidates for Stenography Skill Test and Transalation Test
14-09-2021 CEN-03/2019 - List of candidates shortlisted for Stenography Skill Test and Translation Test
14-08-2021 CEN-03/2019 (Ministrial & Isolated Categories) - Link for Updation / Correction of bank account details of candidates for refund of examination fee. This link will be live from 16.08.2021 16:00 hrs to 31.08.2021 23:59 hrs.
14-08-2021 CEN-03/2019 (Ministrial & Isolated Categories) - Notice to candidates regarding Update / Correction of Bank Account Details for refund of examination fee
01-03-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Link for Updating Bank Account Details (Ministerial & Isolated Category Posts)
01-03-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Notice on Refund of Examination Fee - Correction of Bank Account Details (Ministerial & Isolated Category Posts)
20-02-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Click here to view Question Paper, Responses and Keys & Raising Objections, if any. The link shall be live from 22.02.2021 @ 18.00 Hrs to 28.02.2021 @ 18.00 Hrs (Ministerial & Isolated Categories)
20-02-2021 CEN-03/2019 - Notice on Viewing of Question Paper, Responses and Keys & Raising of Objections, if any to Questions/Options/Keys (Ministerial & Isolated Categories)
1-10-2020 Corrigendum No.12 - E Tender No.RRB-All-Tender-CEN-03/2019
15-09-2020 Corrigendum No. 11 - E Tender No. RRB-AII-Tender-CEN-03-2019
14-07-2020 Corrigendum No.7 - E Tender No.RRB-AII-Tender-CEN-03/2019
23-05-2020 Corrigendum No. 6 - E Tender No. RRB-AII-Tender-CEN-03-2019f
13-05-2020 Corrigendum No.4 - E Tender No. RRB-AII-Tender- CEN-03/2019
20-04-2020 Corrigendum No.3 - E Tender No. RRB-AII-Tender- CEN-03/2019.
02-04-2020 Corrigendum No.2 - E Tender No. RRB-AII-Tender-CEN-03/2019
20-03-2020 Corrigendum No.1 - E Tender No.RRB-All-Tender-CEN-03/2019
05-06-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Notice for Syllabus of Junior Translator/Hindi (Ministerial & Isolated Posts).
05-06-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Syllabus of Junior Translator/Hindi (Ministerial & Isolated Posts).
12-04-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Notice of Cancellation of Vacancies (Ministerial & Isolated Category Posts).
08-04-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Syllabus for Lab Assistant Grade III Chemist and Metallurgist, Dance Mistress and Laboratory Assistant/School Posts (Ministerial & Isolated Category Posts).
06-04-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Extension of Closing Date of Online Application Registration (Ministerial & Isolated Posts).
08-03-2019 CEN-03/2019 – Click here for application link for recruitment of various posts of ministerial and isolated categories
08-03-2019 CEN-03/2019 - Detailed Centralised Employment Notification for Recruitment of Various Posts of Ministerial and Isolated Categories


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